Employee engagement surveys and why they matter to us

We believe that employee engagement is instrumental to the success of our business. Having effective strategies in place helps create a better work culture reduces staff turnover, increases productivity and builds better work and customer relationships, resulting positively on company profits.

To assist us in measuring our engagement levels we conduct an annual employee engagement survey, this provides us with an insight into our people’s minds, commitment, motivation and passion for their roles and the company, where to focus support going forward, and importantly confirms what we do well.

The survey encourages an open and honest culture and provides an opportunity for direct communication, sending out a message that our employees’ voice really does matter.

The feedback we receive is invaluable to our leadership team, it helps with making better decisions and drive meaningful change involving the right people at the right time along the way.

The survey has provided the business with the opportunity to improve our leadership, role modelling good behaviour and leading by example, it has highlighted to us that our communication could be better. Therefore, we asked for ideas and suggestions to improve in these areas and gathered feedback and put some positive steps in place.

So, what have we done so far…

Mental health and the welfare of our staff are imperative to us, so we have introduced a company healthcare scheme offering access to medical practitioners 24/7, we have mental first aiders on site and ensure that our appraisal process offers an opportunity to cover wellbeing.

To improve our communication, we have introduced quarterly director meetings, daily/weekly team 5 departmental meetings, and a structured project planning approach for larger pieces of work, all of which are great successes in improving our communication.

We have launched an online training platform for generic and mandatory training and a wide range of learning opportunities and much more!

We have an attractive and competitive benefits package, recently introducing profit share, celebrating the success that our employees have contributed to our business.

We will continuously strive to encourage our team to provide feedback, we want our staff to feel confident, empowered and free to have a direct voice to the leadership team, we care about our people and their engagement as this is one of the biggest contributing factors to the success of our business.