Brand Protection and Security Labels


Brand protection is vitally important for high monetary or intellectual value goods. However, often more important than protecting revenues is maintaining reputation, especially in sectors where health and safety are of paramount importance. For this reason, security labels are often found in the medical, computer, and automotive sectors, amongst others.

Cartor offers a range of security labels and authentication solutions that fulfil different purposes, including anti-tamper, track and trace, authentication, unique identification, and more. They can be produced on a variety of substrates such as film, paper, or polymer depending on end-use. 

In these instances, end users must have confidence they are buying legitimate products and businesses may need to prove beyond doubt the provenance of products. Cartor offers solutions that meet the needs of both parties in a user-friendly, cost-effective way.


  • Protect reputation
  • Anti-tamper
  • Authentication
  • Consumer confidence

Enquire about Brand Protection and Security Labels
